Le présent document qui fait suite à la recommandation ci-dessus citées se veut une
traduction de l’objectif n°4 du Plan National de Développement Sanitaire (PNDS)3
. Il
traduit la volonté du gouvernement burkinabé de développer un cadre de référence
pour tout intervenant dans le dom...aine de la qualité des prestations de services de
Il est le fruit d’une collaboration entre le Ministère de la santé et l’Organisation
Mondiale de la santé (OMS)
Le présent texte permettra aux lecteurs de comprendre certains éléments qui sous-tendent les concepts de la responsabilité sociale et de l’imputabilité des facultés de médecine en regard de leur réponse aux besoins des sociétés qu’elles doivent servir et de prendre connaissance de quel...ques-uns des facteurs qui déterminent le niveau d’adaptation des curriculums aux besoins de la population/communauté.
Schistosomiasis is a public health problem in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and South America. It is one of the neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) - a group of diseases and conditions that affect particularly low-income populations, worldwide.
Last year, WHO laun...ched a new road map for 2021-2030 that aims to end the suffering from NTDs by 2030, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. The road map specifically targets the elimination of schistosomiasis as a public health problem, globally.
This guideline provides evidence-based recommendations in the following areas: prevalence thresholds, target age groups and frequency of PC, establishment of WASH and snail control activities to support control and elimination of schistosomiasis, diagnostic tests for the assessment of schistosomiasis infection in animal reservoirs, in snail hosts, and in humans.
This Trachoma Action Planning – a planning guide – is published by the International Coalition for Trachoma Control at the request of the World Health Organization Alliance for the Global Elimination of Trachoma by 2020.
Since 1996, trachoma has been targeted for elimination as a public health problem worldwide. The active trachoma criterion for national elimination as a public health problem is a TF1–9 < 5%, sustained for at least two years in the absence of antibiotic mass drug administration (MDA), in each form...erly endemic EU. Using A, F and E, health ministries and their partners have made considerable progress towards achieving this criterion in formerly endemic EUs worldwide. In 2002, an estimated 1517 million people lived in EUs in which EU-wide implementation of the A, F and E components of SAFE were thought to be needed for the purposes of global elimination of trachoma as a public health problem; by June 2021, that number had fallen to 136.2 million, a 91% reduction. Approximately 85% of the 136.2 million people living in EUs needing A, F and E in June 2021 were in WHO’s African Region.
In 2011, ICTC developed a Trachoma Action Plan (TAP) planning guide to support national health officials in endemic countries. This resource was developed to complement the 2020 INSight roadmap by helping countries create specific national plans detailing how they will reach elimination targets in t...heir own particular contexts.
The conditionality of this recommendation is largely driven by the current higher unit cost of pyrethroid-PBO ITNs compared
to pyrethroid-only LLINs and therefore the uncertainty of their cost-effectiveness. Furthermore, as PBO is less wash-resistant
than pyrethroids, its bioavailability declines ...faster over the three-year estimated life of an ITN; therefore, the added impact of
pyrethroid-PBO ITNs over that of pyrethroid-only LLINs may decline over time. The evidence comes from two sites in
eastern Africa with pyrethroid resistance and not from other geographies where transmission levels and vector characteristics
may vary. PBO acts by inhibiting certain metabolic enzymes, primarily oxidases, and so are likely to provide greater protection
than pyrethroid-only LLINs where mosquitoes display mono-oxygenase-based insecticide resistance mechanisms.
Stigma and discrimination related to mental health conditions are widespread and harmful. Reducing stigma and discrimination can benefit families, societies and economies – it can save lives. The toolkit offers practical guidance on how to achieve this, based on three core evidence-based principle...s: leadership or co-leadership by people with lived experience, social contact, and inclusive partnerships. These 3 principles can be realized using a four-step process: identify and define aims, plan and prepare, launch and learn and reflect and proceed. Twelve case studies from all across the world are provided to demystify the process. Stigma and discrimination can be ended if each of us acts as one using the principles in this toolkit.
This practical guideline establishes definitions for “contact”, “contact person”, “contact tracing” and other associated concepts. It allows for improvement of contact tracing strategies and provides recommendations attempting to answer some, though not all, questions that arose during t...he 2019 coronavirus pandemic and other outbreaks. The use of this guideline begins once people have been diagnosed and the potential for transmission exists. It is not, however, intended to assist with case investigation. The guideline empowers health workers, governments, and public health officials with the tools to implement effective contact tracing strategies.
The document provides comprehensive guidelines for managing cholera outbreaks, including detection, confirmation, response, treatment, and prevention. It emphasizes the importance of rehydration, water sanitation, hygiene promotion, and community mobilization to limit the spread. This guide is desig...ned for healthcare professionals and public authorities to ensure an effective and coordinated response.
Le document fournit des directives complètes pour la gestion des flambées de choléra, y compris la détection, la confirmation, la réponse, le traitement et la prévention. Il met l'accent sur l'importance de la réhydratation, de l'assainissement de l'eau, de la promotion de l'hygiène et de la... mobilisation communautaire pour limiter la propagation. Ce guide est conçu pour les professionnels de la santé et les autorités publiques afin d'assurer une réponse efficace et coordonnée.
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 18(4): e0012111. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0012111
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 18(5): e0012091. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0012091
The present guidelines incorporate all these changes, leading to a substantial reconfiguration of therapeutic choices for both disease forms.
HAT is a serious, life-threatening disease and the efficacy of fexinidazole depends on swallowing the medicine after an appropriate intake of food as well as... on completing the full 10-day treatment schedule. Therefore, the recommendations regarding fexinidazole administration are considered key elements that must be carefully followed. When the conditions listed in these guidelines are not met for any individual patient, the alternative available treatments should be prescribed.
The WHO interim guidelines for the treatment of gambiense HAT, issued in 2019 added as a therapeutic option the new medicine fexinidazole. Thanks to its recent extension of indication, fexinidazole is now also recommended for treatment of rhodesiense HAT.
The document provides detailed guidelines for the production, formulation, and implementation of oral rehydration salts (ORS) to combat dehydration caused by diarrhoea, particularly in children. It focuses on the composition, quality standards, and packaging requirements of ORS, aiming to support na...tional authorities and healthcare providers in ensuring effective and accessible treatment. It also highlights strategies for manufacturing ORS locally while adhering to international health and safety standards.
Malawi is a landlocked country with a surface area of 118,484 km2. Administratively, the country is divided into three regions, namely the Northern, Central and Southern regions. The country has 28 districts, which are further divided into traditional authorities (TA) ruled by chiefs. The TAs are su...b-divided into villages, which form the smallest administrative units. The Village Development Committees (VDCs) under the TAs are responsible for development activities. Politically, each district is divided into constituencies that are represented by Members of Parliament (MPs) in the National Assembly for purposes of legislations. Constituencies are further divided into wards which are represented by a ward councillor at district assembly.
This document provides guidance on how to implement contact screening and chemoprophylaxis with single-dose rifampicin. The contents are logically ordered: counselling and obtaining consent, identification and listing of index case, listing of contacts, tracing of contacts, screening of contacts, ad...ministration of prophylactic drugs. Managerial aspects to undertake contact screeninig and chemoprophylaxis are also elaborated, including planning , training , supervision and drug management.