Monkeypox Factsheet in English
Hesperian’s fact sheet is one of the first accessible yet comprehensive health resources on Monkeypox. We describe common symptoms of monkeypox, how to prevent its spread, and how it can be treated at home. We also note how the world seems to have learned nothing COVID about the need for vaccine equity! Translations of this factsheet will soon be available in several languages.
Available in different languages
Available in different languages
So schützen Sie sich - und Ihre Mitmenschen
Das Video des Schweizerischen Roten Kreuz vermittelt in 16 Sprachen, wie sich bei einer Coronavirus-Erkrankung zu verhalten ist.
Albanisch,Amharisch,Arabisch,Farsi / Persisch / Dari, Französisch, Kurdisch, Portugiesisch,
Rumänisch, Russisch, Bosni...sch/Kroatisch/Serbisch, Somalisch, Spanisch, Tigrinya. Türkisch, Tamil
This mini-series is aimed at informing and engaging Zambian audiences about symptoms, preventive actions and the importance of verified information during the pandemic.
The Next Big Thing
A group of concerned health communication specialists in Uganda has volunteered their time to help the government get word out about COVID-19 and its prevention. These SBC professionals come from a variety of organizations and institutions, including MOH, UNICEF, USAID funded... projects, universities, Ugandan NGOs, media houses, and international NGOs. Even retirees and independent consultants are members of the group.
Das Video des Schweizerischen Roten Kreuz vermittelt in 16 Sprachen das Wichtigste zur Covid-19-Impfung.
Albanisch,Amharisch,Arabisch,Farsi / Persisch / Dari, Französisch, Kurdisch, Portugiesisch,
Rumänisch, Russisch, Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch, Somalisch, Spanisch, Tigrinya. Türkisch, Tamil
Here you can download Infographics & Posters for Communication and Medica Actions
CDC created this communication toolkit to help public health professionals, health departments, community organizations, and healthcare systems and providers reach populations who may need COVID-19 prevention messaging in their native languages.
How to do it best for the patient and the family
Tips for caring for older adults. Taking care of an older adult can be both rewarding and challenging, especially during stressful situations like the COVID-19 pandemic.
Le coronavirus. Ce nom est aujourd’hui sur toutes les lèvres. Certains le redoutent, et constituent des réserves de masques et de gel désinfectant. D’autres s’agacent de tout le ramdam fait autour d’un virus qui fait bien moins de morts que la grippe saisonnière. Alors où se trouve la v...érité ? Doit-on vraiment redouter cette épidémie de pneumonie virale venue de Chine ? Doit-on se calfeutrer chez soi pour éviter le danger ? Et le coronavirus pourrait-il échapper à tout contrôle ? Canal Détox coupe court aux fausses infos.
Lo que madres, padres y educadores deben saber: cómo proteger a hijas, hijos y alumnos
Es muy importante que en situaciones como la que atraviesa el mundo con la pandemia por el COVID-19, busques información veraz y evites compartir datos que no están confirmados.
En esta guía, además encont...rarás sugerencias sobre cómo explicar la pandemia a niñas y niños pequeños y algunas formas para proteger sus emociones.
This page provides open-access online parenting resources during COVID-19 on one-on-one time, keeping it positive, structure up, bad behaviour, keep calm and manage stress, and talking about COVID-19. These resources, available in 30+ languages, were developed by Parenting for Lifelong Health, who working with WHO, UNICEF, the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, the Internet of Good Things, USAID and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Here you can download videos, songs, posters for different audiences and topics in nultiple languages
La pandemia del coronavirus (COVID-19) ha afectado la vida familiar alrededor del mundo. El cierre de escuelas y colegios, el trabajo a distancia, el distanciamiento físico: es mucho para cualquier persona, pero especialmente para los padres. Un grupo de colaboradores nos juntamos con la iniciativa... 'Parenting for Lifelong Health' (en español, Paternidad y Crianza para Salud de por Vida) para brindar a los padres y responsables de niños una serie de consejos prácticos para ayudar a manejar esta nueva (temporaria) normalidad.
Here you can find guidelines, posters, borchures in different local languages published by the Ministry of Health, South Africa
Video verfügbar in den Sprachen Arabisch, Englisch, Farsi, Französisch, Russisch, Türkisch