The strategic priorities of the CCS 2014–2018 are:
(1) Strengthening the health system.
(2) Enhancing the achievement of communicable disease control targets.
(3) Controlling the growth of the noncommunicable disease burden.
(4) Promoting health throughout the life course.
(5) Strengthening capacity for emergency risk management and surveillance systems for various health threats.
Early detection, assessment and response to acute public health events:
This field guide is a practical tool for improving and maintaining drinking-water safety. It is designed to be used by YOU as a rural community member who shares responsibility for operation and management of the drinking-water supply in your community. It can also be used by YOU as a staff member o...f the local health or water supply office, local government authority, nongovernmental organization (NGO) or other community-based organization that supports drinking-water safety in rural communities. Ensuring the safety of the community water supply is a daily job, and community members and other stakeholders have to work jointly to achieve this goal.
Provisional recommendations May 2014
Recommendations on the inclusion of people with disabilities in eye care made by CBM's Medical Eye Care Advisory Group as a result of
a meeting in Hydrabad, India, in 2012.
The 2nd edition is publised in 2017.
Evaluation report
April 2013
Evaluation report
This report is part of the overall Ukrainian National AIDS programme evaluation conducted
in September 2012
Lessons and best practices in empowering pastoralist communities to prevent HIV infection and reduce the impact of AIDS in Ethiopia. Briefing Paper
Guidelines for national programmes and other stakeholders, for annexes see