Buruli ulcer (BU), a neglected tropical disease (NTD), is an infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans. The disease has been documented in many South American, Asian, and Western Pacific countries and is widespread throughout much of Africa, especially in West... and Central Africa.
The 2014-2015 outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in Liberia resulted in over 10,000 cases and 5,000 deaths. Recognizing the importance of addressing children’s trauma, the Ebola recovery and restoration trust fund (EERTF) funded the implementation of a Comfort for kids (C4K) program which encou...rages psychological healing, and promotes resilience in children who have experienced a crisis or disaster. The C4K program in Liberia was implemented between January 2015 and December 2016 in fifteen townships in Montserrado County through a collaboration between Mercy Corps Liberia, the World Bank’s Liberian health task team, and the government of Liberia. C4K primarily centers on the My Story workbook and associated classroom activities, which provide children with the opportunity to express their emotions about their experiences through drawing, writing, and facilitated discussion. C4K also provides capacity building for parents, teachers, and other caretakers on how to identify and more effectively respond to children’s trauma responses and to support their recovery
Bull World Health Organ 2020;98:773–780
Universal health coverage (UHC) depends on a strong primary health-care
system. To be successful, primary health care must be expanded at community and household levels as much of the world’s population still lacks access to health facilities for basic... services. Abundant evidence shows that community-based interventions are effective for improving health-care utilization and outcomes when integrated with facility-based services. Community involvement is the cornerstone of local, equitable and integrated primary health care.
To complement the Global Strategy progress reporting, this report provides a detailed look at country leadership and action toward the Every Newborn National Milestones by 2020. Countries have taken the initiative to show the way forward and have demonstrated significant progress. As part of monitor...ing this progress, countries have adopted the Every Newborn Tracking Tool. This report presents a compilation of the data collated by the Every Newborn Tracking Tool in 2016, when 51 countries adopted the tool; it also spotlights examples of specific country activity for each National Milestone. Finally, Global Milestones for 2020 were part of the Every Newborn Action Plan to guide global and regional work in support of country efforts and this report highlights relevant progress towards those Global Milestones.
This study aimed to understand the patterns of HIV drug resistance in pregnant women in Mozambique. This might help in tailoring optimal regimens for prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (pMTCT) and antenatal care.
Opiates, cocaine, cannabis
World Drug Report 2017
Accessed: 14.03.2019
Tsetse traps and targets (insecticide-impregnated screens) function by attracting the flies to a device that collects and/or kills them. Traps can be used for entomological surveillance, and also for control. Targets are simpler than traps, but are not used for surveillance. They are impregnated wit...h biodegradable insecticides in order to kill any flies that alight on them. Traps can also be impregnated with insecticides. Traps and targets can both be used to eliminate a fraction of the tsetse population.
This 2015 edition not only updates important changes published in the MEC fifth edition, but also includes several user-friendly features and additional supplemental information, in response to requests WHO has received from stakeholders and partners.
Scientific Brief 9 July 2020
The CB MHPSS operational guidelines were developed in response to emerging evidence on the determinants of children’s resilience, lessons learned from the evaluation of existing approaches, and the unique challenges that today’s crises pose for children’s safety, wellbeing and optimal developm...ent.
Características farmacológicas y clínicas más relevantes de los Medicamentos Esenciales utilizados en el manejo de las enfermedades infecciosas prevalentes en el primer nivel de atención. La misma se agrupa a su vez en: antibióticos, antimicóticos, antivirales, antiparasitarios y fármacos pa...ra el tratamiento de la Tuberculosis
Working with limited resources in armed conflict and other situations of violence. Vol.2
Planificación y Gestión Integral de la Pandemia COVID-19 en Paraguay. Una integración de herramientas analíticas epidemiológicas,
económicas y sociales
El Programa Nacional de Chagas ha definido la utilización de dos medicamentos para el tratamiento de la Enfermedad de Chagas Crónico Reciente Infantil (en niños de 9 meses a menor de 15 años); el benznidazol (BNZ) que será utilizado como medicamento de primera elección en todos los casos con d...iagnóstico serológico positivo confirmado y el nifurtimox (NFT) que será utilizado como segunda alternativa en aquellos casos que hubieran presentado reacciones adversas graves al benznidazol, e indiquen un cambio de conducta.
This guide provides a practical overview of the process of developing a Theory of Change, focusing on using a stakeholder-driven, workshop approach to achieve this.
BMC Family Practice (2017) 18:56 DOI 10.1186/s12875-017-0628
The aim of this paper is to investigate how doctors working in primary health care in Latin American address patients with common mental disorders and to investigate how stigma can affect their clinical decisions
PLoSONE 13(11):e0206440.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0206440
3 March 2022
The WHO Therapeutics and COVID-19: living guideline contains the Organization’s most up-to-date recommendations for the use of therapeutics in the treatment of COVID-19. The latest version of this living guideline is available in pdf format (via the ‘Download’ button) and via an ...online platform, and is updated regularly as new evidence emerges.
Petersen et al. Int J Ment Health Syst (2016) 10:30 DOI 10.1186/s13033-016-0060-z