Failure to access and apply reliable healthcare information is a leading cause of preventable death and suffering worldwide. HIFA (Healthcare Information For All) is a global social movement to improve the availability and use of reliable healthcare information and reduce the harms of misinformation.... It has more than 20,000 members (health workers, librarians, publishers, researchers, policymakers...) and works closely with the World Health Organization.
accessed 30.07.2021
BMJ is offering a range of free online resources to support researchers, doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to understand and respond to the global health emergency caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).
The free online resources are aimed at healthcare professionals locate...d in China and across the world, to help keep them updated with the latest developments and guidance
The Mission of ANHE: Promoting healthy people and healthy environments by educating and leading the nursing profession, advancing research, incorporating evidence-based practice, and influencing policy.
This website provides an insight into environmental health in health care settings and their wor...k. You will find information about following topics:
Education, Research, Practice, Policy-Advocacy, Climate Change, Safer Chemicals, Food Sustainability, Energy and Health and much more.
accessed 30.07.2021
This toolkit was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (DHDSP) to provide healthcare organizations, including those in resource-constrained settings, with the information and resources to implement the HMP and improve hyper...tension control among their patients. CDC DHDSP developed an online toolkit that consists of interactive e-learning modules that are designed to guide learners through the key features of the ten HMP components and prepare them for implementation at their health system. The online e-learning modules are accompanied by a PDF toolkit document that can be used as an additional resource for users.
The purposes of this toolkit and the associated online e-learning modules are to provide healthcare organizations:
An overview of the HMP, its ten core components, and suggestions for implementing the HMP in clinical settings.
Guidance to staff, administrators, and other healthcare professionals on how to implement and adapt the HMP for their unique clinical setting.
The online e-learning modules you can find here:
accessed 29.07.2021
That’s what Nurses International is all about. We’re non-profit and entirely focused on helping nurses obtain the education and the support they need to make a difference in developing nations worldwide.
We connect colleges and institutions with experts who can take their nursing programs to ...the next level. We help establish new nursing programs where they’re needed most. And we eliminate the barriers that stand between students and education.
accessed 30.07.2021
In this guide for patient positioning, learn about the common bed positions such as Fowler’s, dorsal recumbent, supine, prone, lateral, lithotomy, Sims’, Trendelenburg’s, and other surgical positions commonly used. Learn about the different patient positioning guidelines, how to properly posit...ion the patient, and nursing considerations and interventions you need to know
The Comprehensive Rural Health Project, Jamkhed (CRHP), has been working among the rural poor and marginalized for the past 45 years. Founded in 1970 by Drs. Raj and Mabelle Arole to bring healthcare to the poorest of the poor, CRHP has become an organization that empowers people and communities to ...eliminate injustices through integrated efforts in health and development. CRHP works by mobilizing and building the capacity of communities to achieve access to comprehensive development and freedom from stigma, poverty, and disease. Pioneering a comprehensive approach to community-based primary healthcare (also known as the Jamkhed Model), CRHP has been a leader in public health and development in rural communities in India and around the world. At the core of this comprehensive community-based approach is its embrace of equity for all, utilizing healthcare as a means to break the cycle of poverty. The work of CRHP has been recognized by the WHO and UNICEF, and has been introduced to communities around the world.
accessed 23.07.2021
Health systems the world over have embraced the value of community health workers (CHWs) in extending essential services to the community level, improving health equity and progressing toward universal health coverage. Governments now have an opportunity to institutionalize CHW programs and professi...onalize this essential cadre of the health workforce. What will it take to ensure CHW programs, at scale, can achieve their full potential?
Fortunately, policymakers, funders, NGOs, and other partners seeking to design, revamp, or strengthen CHW programs have a suite of tools at their disposal. One of the longest-standing and most rigorously field-tested of these tools is the Community Health Worker Assessment and Improvement Matrix (CHW AIM), an assessment tool which can be used to design, evaluate and strengthen CHW programs.
You can find this assessment tool on this page here. The matrix is also downloaded on MEDBOX, but if you want, you can register for free and get the matrix. After that follow the points underneath.
accessed 23.07.2021
also available in [Français] [Español]
A non-exhaustive repository of COVID-19 related scientific publications undertaken by LSHTM researchers since the beginning of the outbreak.
Other disorders
Chapter H.6
Rapport technique final du Projet de recherche-action-Formation.
Le projet «Développement d’une plateforme eS@nté Communautaire au Sénégal, avec application dans la santé maternelle et infantile pour l’atteinte des OMD Santé » est une initiative de la FMPOS, de l’Institut de Santé D...éveloppement (ISED), de l’École Supérieure Polytechnique (ESP) de l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, en collaboration avec le Service National de l’Information Sanitaire (SNIS) et la Division de la Santé et de la Reproduction (DSR) du Ministère de la Santé du Sénégal, et le Projet des Villages du Millénaire à Louga.
Otros desórdenes
Capítulo H.6
Editor: Laura Revert Marín, Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traducción: Silvia Rodriguez Portillo, Alfonso Pastor Romero y Paula Cox
Autres troubles
Chapitre H.6
Edition en français Traduction : Basile Gonzales Sous la direction de : Priscille Gérardin Avec le soutien de la SFPEADA
Grundlagen für eine künftige ressortübergreifende Strategie für globale Gesundheit
Vous avez appris, il y a peu de temps ou peut-être plus, que vous étiez séropositif·ve.
Peut-être vous attendiez-vous un peu à ce résultat, peut-être pas du tout. Vous avez peut-être ressenti un
choc à cette annonce, et une foule de questions vous sont venues.
Cette brochure a pour bu...t de répondre à certaines d’entre elles et, en abordant différents aspects, de vous
aider petit à petit à apprivoiser votre nouvelle situation.
Les avancées médicales ont été extrêmement importantes ces dernières années, tant au niveau des traitements qu’au niveau des stratégies de prévention. Avec des conséquences concrètes. Les personnes vivant
avec le VIH sont aujourd’hui considérées comme des patient·es atteint·es d’une maladie chronique, avec laquelle on peut vivre de très nombreuses années, pour autant que l’on prenne correctement son traitement.
English Analysis on Brazil about Health, Protection and Human Rights and Epidemic; published on 26 May 2021 by SSHAP
This short guide is designed to assist development and humanitarian agencies to think through how risk communication and community engagement activity related to Covid-19 can be carried out without face-to-face interaction with communities. By using remote methods, agencies will be able to safeguard... the health of their own and their partners’ staff and volunteers, while still ensuring that communities receive accurate, up-to-date information as well as having access to communication channels which allow them to provide feedback and share their concerns and worries.