Leishmaniasis is an important worldwide disease with a
zoonotic potential that presenting visceral and cutaneous
clinical forms. The domestic dog is seen as the main reservoir of Leishmania spp. and for this reason, it is the target of
the control program in some countries. The health professiona...ls’ knowledge about prevention and control of leishmaniasis was investigated. Through interviews with health
professionals from endemic regions, it was observed that
there are several conceptuais gaps about leishmaniasis.
Therefore, it is essential to put into practice the concepts
of single health, bringing human, animal and environmental
health, next to population.
Position paper on vaccination with Sputnik V vaccine | National Commission on Vaccine Safety (CoNaSeVa) | 12 May 2021
Memorandum: Recommendation of interval for the application of the booster dose of COVID-19 vaccines
Esta tabla es una adaptación de los códigos y subcódigos para las actividades SMAPS que se encuentra en el Manual del Grupo de Referencia del IASC para la Salud Mental y el Apoyo Psicosocial en Situaciones de Emergencia (2012). Who is Where, When, doing What (4Ws) in Mental Health and Psychosoci...al Support: Manual with Activity Codes ( field test-version). Ginebra.
Leishmaniases are a group of diseases of zoonotic importance caused by over 20 species of protozoa of the genus Leishmania, in which domestic dogs are considered to be the main reservoir for the disease. However, the involvement of other vertebrates as reservoirs for these parasites has also been in...vestigated. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to carry out a systematic review with meta-analysis on occurrences of leishmaniasis in equids. The case reports described animals with cutaneous symptoms of leishmaniasis (papules, nodules, ulcers or crusts) that regressed spontaneously, located mainly on the head and limbs, from which three species of protozoa were identified in the lesions: Leishmania braziliensis, Leishmania infantum and Leishmania siamensis. In turn, the meta-analysis showed a combined prevalence of 25%, although with high heterogeneity among the studies, which was attributed to the use of different methods for diagnosing the disease. Leishmaniasis in equids is a benign disease but it should be included in the differential diagnosis of cutaneous diseases among these species. Seroepidemiological studies are important in investigating and monitoring suspected exposure of these hosts to the parasite, especially in endemic areas. However, there is also a need to standardize diagnostic methods.
Vacunación Antigripal 2022 - Guía rapida
Esta carpeta ofrece información básica acerca de la estrategia de tamizaje basada en el test de VPH. Tiene como principales destinatariosa los integrantes del equipo de salud que realizan las tomas de las muestras para el tamizaje en las provincias que incorporaron esta nueva tecnología [ginecól...ogas/os, Lic. en obstetricia,obstétricas/os, médicas/os generalistas, enfermeras/os, etc.].
This document provides interim guidance on the management of the blood supply in response to the pandemic outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). It emphasizes the importance of being prepared and responding quickly and outlines key actions and measures that the blood services should take to mit...igate the potential risk to the safety and sufficiency of the blood supplies during the pandemic.
It should be read in conjunction with WHO Guidance for National Blood Services on Protecting the Blood Supply During Infectious Disease Outbreaks, which provides general guidance on the development of national plans to respond to any emerging infectious threats to the sufficiency or safety of the blood supply.
COVID-19 Management Guide -Version June 2021
BMJ Global Health, Vol.5 No. 12Spatial subdivision of the camp (‘sectoring’) was able to ‘flatten the curve’, reducing peak infection by up to 70% and delaying peak infection by up to several months. The use of face masks coupled with the efficient isolation of infected individuals reduced t...he overall incidence of infection, and sometimes averted epidemics altogether. These interventions must be implemented quickly in order to be maximally effective. Lockdowns had only small effects on COVID-19 dynamics.
Agent-based models are powerful tools for forecasting the spread of disease in spatially structured and heterogeneous populations. Our findings suggest that feasible interventions can slow the spread of COVID-19 in a refugee camp setting, and provide an evidence base for camp managers planning intervention strategies. Our model can be modified to study other closed populations at risk from COVID-19 or future epidemics.
A toolkit containing links to videos which use clay figures to address topics relating to COVID-19, such as stigma and rumours, as well as issues surrounding migration, including social inclusion.
La Región de las Américas se caracteriza por su riqueza multiétnica y multicultural. Sin embargo, los pueblos indígenas, los afrodescendientes y otros grupos étnicos se enfrentan en muchas ocasiones a la discriminación y la exclusión, lo que genera inequidades en el ámbito de la salud. Las c...aracterísticas específicas de los pueblos indígenas y los afrodescendientes, generalmente alejados de los servicios de salud, los convierten en poblaciones vulnerables. Este impacto puede mitigarse si estos grupos participan desde el inicio en cualquier decisión que afecte a su salud con el apoyo del sector de la salud, e incorporan medidas de prevención y se articulan con la red de servicios de salud en el caso de padecer los efectos de la COVID-19 en sus territorios.
Introdução: Em março de 2020, a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) declarou que o surto de COVID-19, doença causada por um novo coronavírus, passava a constituir uma pandemia, dada a velocidade e escala de transmissão da doença. A Região das Américas é caracterizada por uma riqueza mult...iétnica e multicultural. No entanto, povos indígenas, afrodescendentes e outros grupos étnicos, muitas vezes, sofrem discriminação e exclusão, e isso leva a desigualdades de saúde. A COVID-19 pode ter um maior impacto em certos grupos da população, como povos indígenas e afrodescendentes. Em 2017, os Estados Membros da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (OPAS) aprovaram a primeira Política de Etnia e Saúde (documento CSP29/7, Rev.1), baseada no reconhecimento de diferenças entre grupos étnicos, bem como em seus respectivos desafios, necessidades e contextos históricos. A política também reforça a necessidade de uma abordagem intercultural, fundamentada na igualdade e no respeito mútuo, para melhorar os desfechos de saúde e avançar em direção à saúde universal. A OPAS prioriza a etnia como uma questão de caráter transversal no gerenciamento de emergências e desastres. Isso está refletido em uma série de regulamentos, como o Plano de Ação 2016-2021 para a Redução do Risco de Desastres e outros manuais, diretrizes e iniciativas.
La Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) ha publicado una guía con recomendaciones para reducir la transmisión de COVID-19 entre las poblaciones indígenas, afrodescendientes y otros grupos étnicos, que se centran en promover la higiene, el distanciamiento social, así como en mejorar el a...cceso a los servicios básicos de salud.
Regulación emocional basada en Mindfulness (REM) en la crisis sanitaria COVID19
Para equipos de profesionales que intervienen
Marzo 2020
Hospital Universitario la Paz. Servicio de. Psiquiatría, Psicología clínica y Salud Mental
Lo siguiente es un guía sencilla para aproximarse a los equipos... profesionales que intervienen en la crisis introduciendo el sentido de la intervención.