Screening programmes for tuberculosis (TB) among immigrants rarely consider the heterogeneity of
risk related to migrants’ country of origin. We assess the performance of a large screening programme in asylum seekers by analysing (i) the difference in yield and numbers needed to screen (NNS) by c...ountry and WHO-reported TB burden, (ii) the possible impact of screening thresholds on sensitivity, and (iii) the value of WHO-estimated TB burden to improve the prediction accuracy of screening yield.
module de la série d’évaluation des capacités des services de santé dans le contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19, 7 juillet 2021
European Union Standards for Tuberculosis Care 2017 Update (Romanian Version)
Vaccines 2021, 9(2), 160;
orientations provisoires, 25 juin 2021. Des tests de diagnostic rapides et précis sont un outil essentiel pour prévenir et contrôler la propagation du COVID-19. Ce document décrit les recommandations relatives aux stratégies nationales de dépistage et à l'utilisation de la PCR et des tests an...tigéniques rapides dans différents scénarios de transmission de l'épidémie de COVID-19, y compris la manière dont les tests pourraient être rationalisés dans les milieux à faibles ressources. Tous les tests doivent être suivis d'une réponse de santé publique forte, comprenant l'isolement des personnes dont le test est positif et la fourniture de soins, la recherche des contacts et la mise en quarantaine des contacts.
The Lancet Global Health, Vol. 6, No. 10 Published: August 29, 2018
PLOS ONE | October 3, 2018
Baseado no livro Preparación y respuesta ante la eventual introducción del virus chikungunya en las américas
As the Americas undergo profound demographic change and there are more persons aged 65 years or older than children younger than 5 years, it is crucial to recognize that national immunization programs must be redesigned to ensure comprehensive protection for individuals across the lifespan. By a life course approach (LCA) to immunization, vaccination programs can be tailored to close immunity gaps at different stages of life. The life course approach foresees the establishment of multiple strategies to reduce missed opportunities for vaccination according to age group. This technical document explains the key concepts of the LCA with a focus on immunization by vaccination, as well as the underlying biological mechanisms that require the application different vaccines at different life stages according to changes to the immune system and in the epidemiological situation of a community.
Blueprint for EECA countries, first edition
Концептуальный проект модели для стран Восточной Европы и Центрально...й Азии, первое издание
Euro Surveill. 2015 Mar 26;20(12). pii: 21073.
Blueprint for EECA countries, first edition
orientaciones provisionales, 8 de noviembre de 2020
This interim guidance is most useful for countries interested in monitoring relative circulations of influenza and SARS-CoV-2 viruses. The document provides practical information to maintain surveillance of influenza and monitor SARS-CoV-2 using e...xisting surveillance systems. It contains updated considerations for addressing disruptions in the influenza sentinel surveillance and extending to include COVID-19 wherever possible. Updated algorithms for testing of both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 for surveillance are also included. This document is an update of Operational considerations for COVID-19 surveillance using GISRS and GISRS for the upcoming influenza seasons during the COVID-19 pandemic
Health Evidence Network synthesis report 53
Lancet 2022; 399: 1155–200 Published Online March 15, 2022
Triccas and Counoupas Pneumonia (2016) 8:18; DOI 10.1186/s41479-016-0020-z
An essential resource that helps a community understand, treat, and prevent many health problems that affect women. Topics include reproductive health, violence, mental health, HIV, and more.