Leptospirosis is a perplexing conundrum for many. In the existing literature, the pathophysiological mechanisms pertaining to leptospirosis is still not understood in full. Considered as a neglected tropical zoonotic disease, leptospirosis is culminating as a serious problem worldwide, seemingly exi...sting as co-infections with various other unrelated diseases, including dengue and malaria. Misdiagnosis is also common as non-specific symptoms are documented extensively in the literature. This can easily lead to death, as the severe form of leptospirosis (Weil’s disease) manifests as a complex of systemic complications, especially renal failure. The virulence of Leptospira sp. is usually attributed to the outer membrane proteins, including LipL32. With an armament of virulence factors at their disposal, their ability to easily adhere, invade and replicate within cells calls for a swift refinement in research progress to establish their exact pathophysiological framework. As an effort to reconstitute the current knowledge on leptospirosis, the basis of leptospiral infection, including its risk factors, classification, morphology, transmission, pathogenesis, co-infections and clinical manifestations are highlighted in this review. The various diagnostic techniques are also outlined with emphasis on their respective pros and cons.
16 Dec. 2020
This document provides guidance to Ministries of Health (MOHs), laboratory personnel and implementing partners in African Union Member States on the application of rapid antigen tests to COVID-19 testing. The guidance serves as reference for policymakers, laboratory leads, implementing... partners, and experts on use case scenarios and associated testing algorithms for COVID-19 antigen tests. It recommends the use of antigen tests to increase access to testing and enable timely results for persons with or without symptoms in specific settings. The document will be reviewed and updated as more evidence becomes available regarding the use of rapid antigen tests for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) from global studies and evaluation efforts.
Plos Current Outbreaks
An outbreak of Lassa Fever (LF) reported and confirmed in Ondo state, Southwest Nigeria in January 2016 was investigated. This paper provides the epidemiology of the LF and lessons learnt from the investigation of the outbreak.
Results: We identified 90 suspected LF case...s of which 19 were confirmed by the laboratory. More than half (52.6%) of the confirmed cases were females with majority (73.7%) in the age group ≥ 15 years. The Case Fatality Rate (CFR) of 63.2% among the laboratory-confirmed positive cases where 9 of 19 cases died, was significantly higher compared to the laboratory confirmed negative cases where 6 of the 65 cases died ( CFR; 8.5%) p ≤ 0.05. Two hundred and eighty-seven contacts of the confirmed cases were identified, out of which 267(93.0%) completed the follow-up without developing any symptoms and 2 (0.7%) developed symptoms consistent with LF and were confirmed by the laboratory. More than half of the contacts were females (64.5%) with most of them (89.2%) in the age group ≥ 25 years.
Here you can download animations about COVID-19 for information, community organising, broadcast or whatsapp groups in multiple languages for Africa and Asia.
All about COVID-19: Advice for Communities. What is coronavirus? How does it spread? How does hand washing and physical distancing help? Wha...t are the symptoms? Who is most at risk of serious illness? This short animation answers these questions. There are versions for Asia and Africa.
Ebola online Training cours in French
It is important for all people in regions threatened by Ebola to understand basic issues related to the disease. This module offers non-professionals a useful overview of Ebola, including how people contract Ebola, who is at highest risk and the signs and sympt...oms of the illness. The module describes what Ebola does to the human body and tells you what you should do if you think you or a friend or family member has Ebola. Further, the module looks at how the illness is diagnosed, how it is treated and how to protect yourself against it.
Since the re-emergence of monkeypox in Nigeria in September 2017, the Nigeria Centre
for Disease Control(NCDC) has continued to receive reports and respond to cases of the
disease from States across the country. Between September 2017 when the outbreak started and November 2018, about 300 suspecte...d cases had been reported from 26 out of 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory. The highest number of cases were reported from States in the South-South region of Nigeria. Monkeypox is a zoonotic orthopox virus, which presents in humans with symptoms such as fever, headache, body pain, malaise, lymphadenopathy (enlargement of glands),
sore throat and the typical generalised vesiculopustular rash. Transmission is via direct or
indirect contact with infected animals, human, or contaminated materials.
Cognitive deficits in schizophrenia can massively impact functionality and quality of life, furthering the importance of cognitive training. Despite the development of the field in Europe and in the United States, no programmes have been developed and tested in developing countries. Different cultur...al backgrounds, budget restrictions, and other difficulties may render treatment packages created in high income countries difficult for adoption by developing nations. We performed a pilot double-blind, randomized, controlled trial in order to investigate the efficacy and feasibility of an attention and memory training programme specially created in
a developing nation. The intervention used simple, widely available materials, required minimal infrastructure, and was conducted in groups.The sample included seventeen stable Brazilians with schizophrenia. Sessions were conducted weekly during five months. The cognitive training group showed significant improvements in inhibitory control and set-shifting over time. Both groups showed improvements in symptoms, processing speed, selective attention, executive function, and long-term visual memory. Improvements were found in the control group in long-term verbal memory and concentration. Our findings reinforce the idea that cognitive training in schizophrenia can be constructed using simple resources and infrastructure, facilitating its adoption by developing countries, and it may improve cognition.
Advances have been made through expanded interventions delivered through five public health approaches: innovative and intensified disease management; preventive chemotherapy; vector ecology and management; veterinary public health services; and the provision of safe water, sanitation and hygiene. I...n 2015 alone nearly one billion people were treated for at least one disease and significant gains were achieved in relieving the symptoms and consequences of diseases for which effective tools are scarce; important reductions were achieved in the number of new cases of sleeping sickness, of visceral leishmaniasis in South-East Asia and also of Buruli ulcer.
The report also considers vector control strategies and discusses the importance of the draft WHO Global Vector Control Response 2017–2030.
The UNICEF Syria webpage titled "Cholera Resource Material" offers a collection of educational resources aimed at preventing cholera and safeguarding families. These materials, available in Arabic, include posters and flyers on topics such as handwashing, water purification, recognizing cholera symp...toms, prevention strategies, and specific guidance for pregnant and lactating women. The initiative emphasizes the importance of disseminating accurate information to effectively combat cholera outbreaks in Syria. By providing these resources, UNICEF aims to empower communities with the knowledge needed to protect themselves and their loved ones from cholera.
The webpage provides detailed information about asbestosis, a lung disease caused by inhaling asbestos fibers. It outlines various asbestos-related diseases, including benign and malignant pleural conditions as well as lung cancer. Asbestosis is described as a diffuse fibrotic disease of lung tissue... resulting from prolonged and intense exposure to asbestos fibers, progressing slowly over time. The page covers the causes, risk factors, and pathology of the disease, highlighting different types of asbestos fibers and their effects on the lungs. It also discusses symptoms, diagnostic procedures, and potential complications, such as the increased risk of lung cancer and mesothelioma. Preventive measures and recommendations for those affected are also included.
March 2020
The number of African Union Member States reporting COVID-
19 cases is increasing and there is a likelihood of community transmission. The WHO recently modified the COVID-19 suspect case definition to include severe acute respiratory infection and advises testing of all severe acute r...espiratory illness (SARI) cases.1 However, many Member States have not yet started implementing these changes, they are still focussing surveillance efforts on individuals with travel history to an area with local COVID-19 transmission. This means patients with similar symptoms, but no apparent contact, may not
be investigated.
Work can be beneficial or harmful to mental health depending on
the circumstances. If a person has a mental health problem, being
at work in a supportive workplace can assist in their recovery. The
level of support needed will fluctuate, as the symptoms of most
mental health problems come and go... over time.
Providing mental health first aid when a worker is showing the
early signs and symptoms of a mental health problem is important,
as it can assist the person to return to their usual performance
quickly. Failing to provide mental health first
The Cedars-Sinai webpage on occupational lung diseases provides an overview of various lung conditions caused by exposure to harmful substances in the workplace. It outlines common types of occupational lung diseases, including asbestosis, silicosis, coal workers’ pneumoconiosis, and chemical-rela...ted lung disorders. The page details symptoms such as coughing, difficulty breathing, and chest pain, emphasizing the importance of early detection and treatment. Preventative measures, including workplace safety practices and protective equipment, are also highlighted to reduce risk. The information underscores the role of medical evaluation and ongoing management for individuals exposed to occupational hazards.
South Africa has recorded its first case of monkeypox today, 23 June 2022. The Minister of
Health Dr. Joe Phaahla explained that he received a report from the National Health
Laboratory Services’ CEO that they have confirmed through laboratory tests the first case of
monkeypox in South Africa. ...South Africa's monkeypox patient zero is a 30-year-old man from
The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) has prepared an
information sheet to better understand monkeypox, the symptoms to treatment.
This film is the full length version of the Is Your Child Sick? videos on pneumonia, diarrhoea and malaria. The film is aimed at community health workers, parents and communities to teach them the important signs and symp...toms to look for in a sick child and why they need to make sure they seek help as early as possible from a skilled health worker.
Accessed 29 January 2015
The Johns Hopkins Medicine webpage on occupational lung diseases provides an overview of lung conditions caused by exposure to harmful substances in the workplace. It explains various types of occupational lung diseases, including asbestosis, silicosis, coal workers' pneumoconiosis, and hypersensiti...vity pneumonitis. The page outlines common symptoms such as chronic cough, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. It emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis and effective treatment to manage symptoms and prevent disease progression. Additionally, the webpage highlights preventive measures, including workplace safety practices and protective equipment, to minimize the risk of exposure.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic condition characterized by insulin resistance and an inability to properly regulate blood sugar levels. The two most important risk factors for T2DM are a family history of diabetes and obesity, though age, race, diet, and exercise level also impact risk.... Common symptoms include frequent urination, nerve damage, and dark skin patches. Treatment involves lifestyle changes like diet and exercise as well as medications like metformin, which improves insulin sensitivity and decreases glucose production in the liver. Patients are counseled on managing diabetes-related risks and provided support through organizations and groups.
The World Health Organization's cholera fact sheet provides essential information about cholera, an acute diarrheal infection caused by ingesting food or water contaminated with Vibrio cholerae bacteria. The disease remains a global public health threat, particularly in areas lacking safe water and ...adequate sanitation. While many infected individuals exhibit mild or no symptoms, severe cases can lead to rapid dehydration and death if untreated. Prevention focuses on ensuring access to clean water, proper sanitation, and hygiene practices. Effective treatment primarily involves prompt administration of oral rehydration solutions. The fact sheet also highlights the importance of surveillance, preparedness, and response strategies to control outbreaks.
Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease caused by a flavivirus. Dengue fever usually results in abrupt onset of high fever, headache, myalgias, arthralgias, and generalized lymphadenopathy, followed by a rash that appears with a recurrent fever after an afebrile period. Respiratory symptoms, such as coug...h, sore throat, and rhinorrhea, can occur.
Human strongyloidiasis is a chronic parasitic disease caused by infection with Strongyloides stercoralis, a soil-transmitted helminth that is estimated to infect 300–600 million people worldwide. This neglected tropical disease (NTD) is endemic globally, predominately in the South-East Asia, Afric...an and Western Pacific regions, and in South and Central America. Strongyloidiasis has a wide range of clinical presentations, including subclinical disease, symptomatic disease (often with diarrhoea, abdominal pain and urticaria) and a rare but deadly complication of hyperinfection with disseminated disease. The feared complication of disseminated strongyloidiasis can occur in the setting of immunocompromising conditions (e.g. human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 infection and malignancies) or immunosuppressive medications (e.g. steroids) and has an estimated case-fatality rate exceeding 60%. The standard treatment for chronic S. stercoralis infection is oral medication with ivermectin.