The WHO Cholera Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) Target Product Profile outlines the key requirements for developing improved cholera RDTs. It highlights the need for fast, accurate, and easy-to-use tests for early outbreak detection in resource-limited settings. The document sets desired and acceptable ...performance criteria, including high sensitivity and specificity, rapid results (under 15 minutes), and usability by non-laboratory personnel. The tests should be affordable, stable in extreme conditions, and require minimal training. The goal is to enhance cholera surveillance and outbreak response, ensuring quick containment and improved public health outcomes.
Health Services Insights Volume 10: 1–7
PLoS Medicine Vol. 6 no. 10 (2009) e1000165
Updated Interim guidance 29 July 2020
The provision of safe water, sanitation and waste management and hygienic conditions is essential for preventing and for protecting human health during all infectious disease outbreaks, including of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Ensuring evidenced-based ...and consistently applied WASH and waste management practices in communities, homes, schools, marketplaces, and healthcare facilities will help prevent human-to-human transmission of pathogens including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
Key populations brief.
Краткое руководство
Food safety and antimicrobial resistance research: A One Health perspective. Presented at the Emerging Pathogens Institute Seminar Series, Gainesville, Florida, 26 July 2019
This interim guidance is for LTCF managers and corresponding infection prevention and control (IPC) focal persons in LTCF and updates the guidance published in March 2020. The objective of this document is to provide guidance on IPC in LTCFs in the context of COVID-19 to 1) prevent COVID-19-virus entering the facility and spreading within the facility, and 2) to support safe conditions for visiting through the rigorous application of IPC procedures for the residents’ well-being. WHO will update these recommendations as new information becomes available.
Availabel in English, French, Russian and Spanish
BMJ 2020;368:m800 doi: 10.1136/bmj.m800 (Published 5 March 2020)
A survey of prevention, testing and treatment policies and practices
Тщательно взвесив все за и против, мы предлагаем в начальной главе первого учебника по детской и подростковой психиатрии IACAPAP сосредоточить внимание на взаимоотно...шениях между этой областью знаний и этикой. Несмотря на то, что эта, посвященная этике, глава обращена главным образом к практикующим врачам, большинство приве-
денных здесь этических проблем обсуждены применительно также и к другим профессионалам, работающим в психиатрии и принимающим участие в процессе лечения детей и подростков (например, психологам, социальным работникам, среднему медицинскому персоналу, терапевтам).
SCOPING QUESTION: In the management of prescription opioid dependence, does supervised dosing with a long-acting opioid medication result in less opioid use and related harms than non-prescription, detoxification or usual care?
NICE guideline | This guideline covers recognising, assessing and treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children, young people and adults. It aims to improve quality of life by reducing symptoms of PTSD such as anxiety, sleep problems and difficulties with concentration. Recommendations ...also aim to raise awareness of the condition and improve coordination of care.
There is no secret to our procedure: the daily scanning of the literature helps us to stay afloat in the never-ending waves of new publications about SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Many papers discussed in the Top 10 will eventually make it into subsequent editions of COVID Reference.
The Lancet Published Online September 13, 2016
Externalizing disorders
Chapter 1.1