Children in refugee situations face many potential dangers, such as violence, abuse, exploitation, discrimination, separation from their families, trafficking and military recruitment. The impact of these experiences can be devastating and long-lasting. Children have different needs from adults and ...these needs can only be identified and met if they are approached in a way that is specific to children.
The impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic has exacerbated the dangers faced by children in refugee situations and laid bare the need for their protection and for ensuring that all their human rights are upheld all the time.
The goal of this publication is to share examples of approaches by members of the Initiative that have proven effective for children.
As daily lives and communities are upended by COVID-19, concern is mounting that children’s exposure to violence may increase. Children with a history of abuse may find themselves even more vulnerable – both at home and online – and may experience more frequent and severe acts of violence. Oth...ers may be victimized for the first time.
Understanding the current status of violence prevention and response services is therefore essential to assessing risks to children
21 August 2020
This guidance provides specific considerations for the use of non-medical masks, also known as fabric masks, by children as a means for source control in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic. It also advises on the use of medical masks for children under certain conditions.
Lancet Glob Health 2019Published OnlineOctober 22, 2019
BMC Public Health (2019) 19:1608
Research Article
PLOS ONE | January 10, 2018
A systematic literature review of education systems in low-and middle income countries commissioned by CBM
Embracing Diversity: Toolkit for Creating Inclusive, Learning-Friendly Environments Specialized Booklet 3
Participatory Assessment with Children and Adolescents. An UNHCR Tool for Operations
Q9: What is/are the effective and safe interventions to treat somatoform disorders in children and adolescents in non- specialist health settings?