What is Violence Against Women? Why does it happen? What does it have to do with development? What does Oxfam do to end violence against women? What does it mean to do that work with a transformative approach?
Available in: English, Arabic, French, Spanish: https://policy-practice.oxfam.org.uk/publ...ications/ending-violence-against-women-an-oxfam-guide-254118
Infant Psychiatry
Chapter B.1
Early Maltreatment and exposure to violence
Anxiety disorders
Chapter F.2
Section I
Somatoform disorders
Child Psychiatry and Pediatrics
Chapter I.1
Chapter J.5
Child and adolescent psychiatric emergencies
Chapter J.1
Towards the Elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV and keeping mothers Alive. 2012-2015
Q 6. Does the provision of sterile injection equipment to injecting drug users reduce injecting related harm? Is advice on ways to reduce drug related harm safe and effective, using an outreach model of service delivery?
Chapter 2 in "Latest Findings in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research" Edited by Üner Tan, ISBN 978-953-307-865-6, 404 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published February 15, 2012 under CC BY 3.0 license | Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities presents reports on a wide rang...e of areas in the field of neurological and intellectual disability, including habitual human quadrupedal locomotion with associated cognitive disabilities, Fragile X syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, Down syndrome, and intellectual developmental disability among children in an African setting. Studies are presented from researchers around the world, looking at aspects as wide-ranging as the genetics behind the conditions to new and innovative therapeutic approaches. (All chapters available online: https://www.intechopen.com/books/latest-findings-in-intellectual-and-developmental-disabilities-research)
Assessing and improving quality and human rights in mental health and social care facilites
Lessons learned in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia & Mozambique 2009 - 2011
The Equal Rights Review Volume 9, pp.117-137
Prevention, early identification, assessment and intervention in low- and middle-income countries | A Review | CHILD AND ADOLESCENT HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT
Q9. In adults and children with convulsive epilepsy in remission, when should treatment be discontinued?
Q9: For carers of people with dementia, do interventions (psychoeducational, cognitive-behavioural therapy counseling/case management, general support, training of caregivers, multi-component interventions and miscellaneous interventions) when compared to placebo/comparator, produce benefits/harm in... the specified outcomes?
Community Based Rehabilitation for Children with Disabilities: Good Practices and Lessons from Save the Children Norway Ethiopia Programme Intervention