Інформаційний лист- факти щодо тягаря вживання тютюну
Информационный лист - факты о бремени табака
Российская Федерация ратифицировала Рамочную конвенцию ВОЗ по борьбе против табака (РКБТ ВОЗ) 3 июня 2008 года.
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PLoS Negl Trop Dis 11(2): e0005356 -Published: February 23, 2017 21 pp
Learning from the Use of Data, Information, and Digital Technologies in the West Africa Ebola Outbreak Response
Systematic Review Summary 4
Using an ensemble of climate models and socioeconomic scenarios, WRI scored and ranked future water stress—a measure of competition and depletion of surface water—in 167 countries by 2020, 2030, and 2040. We found that 33 countries face extremely high water stress in 2040 (see the full list). We... also found that Chile, Estonia, Namibia, and Botswana could face an especially significant increase in water stress by 2040. This means that businesses, farms, and communities in these countries in particular may be more vulnerable to scarcity than they are today.
Desk Review and Recommendations for Private Sector Engagement