Good practice examples from India
The purpose of this document is to share good practices and processes concerning the inclusion of disability issues in HIV policy and programming, drawing on specific experiences in Senegal, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Cambodia and on lessons learned at international AIDS conferences.
In this course you will examine the interconnections between poverty, development and violent conflict. This is one of seven Medical Peace Work courses.
ESCAP Project on improving disability measurement and statistics in the Asia Pacfic Region
Country report
UNAIDS Series: Engaging uniformed services in the fight against AIDS
Case Study 2
UNAIDS/99.31E (English original, June 1999)
1st revision, April 2000
States have committed and assumed obligations to address multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination against refugees, internally displaced persons, asylum seekers, returnees and stateless persons. The Global Compact on Refugees places ending discrimination of any kind based on the grounds of ...race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, disability, age, or other status at the centre of action to prevent displacement and to ensure peaceful coexistence between refugee and host communities. Narratives about cultural diversity and inclusion are important, but there is also a pressing need in many societies for conversations and action to address racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.
The Handbook is a guide to the normative framework for humanitarian action and the operational approaches, coordination structures, and available tools and services that facilitate the mobilization of humanitarian assistance.
Geographical Paper No. 177
Accessed on: 18.06.2020
Progress report of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee (A/HRC/33/53) (Advance edited version)