This guide is an introduction on how to integrate logistics management information systems (LMIS) with geographic information systems (GIS). It covers the value of integrating these two systems, the steps in assessing if it is currently viable to link the systems, how to set the linkage, the for using LMIS within a GIS platform, and finally how to sustain the linkage. The aim of this guide is to assist logistics managers, decisionmakers and technical experts in understanding the value of integrating GIS and of the process involved in integrating these two systems.
Mapping actions of nongovernmental organizations and other international development organizations
Identify Signs of Illness : Photo 1 and 2. Chest indrawing
Photo 3. Severe malnutrition (marasmus)
Photo 4, 5, and 6. Using a MUAC strap
Photo 7. Severe malnutrition (kwashiorkor)
Photo 8 and 9. Checking for swelling of both feet
With notes to the facilitator (NTF)
A feasibility study in five African sites
Abbreviated Report of a WHO Consultation
A Resource Book of Inclusive Practices
A consolidated set of reproductive health kits for use by humanitarian agencies. These kits are intended to speed up the provision of appropriate reproductive health services in emergency and refugee situations.