Please select your country to find the relevant information on COVID-19
Please select your country to find the relevant information on COVID-19
Please select your country to find the relevant information on COVID-19
Please select your country to find the relevant information on COVID-19
Please select your country to find the relevant information on COVID-19
Please select your country to find the relevant information on COVID-19
Please select your country to find the relevant information on COVID-19
Please select your country to find the relevant information on COVID-19
Boas práticas com água, saneamento e higiene, em particular lavagem de mãos
com sabão e água limpa, devem ser estritamente aplicadas e mantidas, pois
são importantes barreiras adicionais para ...a transmissão do o vírus causador da
doença COVID-19 e outras doenças infecciosas em geral (OMS, 2002).
A nota informativa inclui as medidas básicas a serem implementadas para garantir a segurança da água para os profissionais de saúde, pacientes e visitantes; higiene pessoal; lavanderia e limpeza; banheiros adequados e acessíveis; gerenciamento seguro de excretas, o qual inclui manter excretas (...fezes e urina) separados do contato humano, seu tratamento e descarte seguros no ambiente; higiene frequente das mãos usando a técnica adequada; limpeza e desinfecção periódicas; e gerenciamento seguro de resíduos de serviços de saúde.
This document provides guidance for African Union Member States on actions to be taken to ensure they continue to meet all the health
needs of their citizens in accordance with achieving the objectives of the Africa Health Strategy 2016 – 2030.
This document provides guidance to African Union Member States based on a specific request from Member States for a checklist/guidance of the required personal protective equipment (PPE) needed by healthcare workers and care givers for the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This document ...has been synthesised from currently available evidence (1-6), with consideration to the African context, and as such, can be adapted to the country context.
In response to the first cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) reported on the continent, many African Union Member States implemented large-scale public health and social measures (PHSM) rapidly. These measures were aimed at reducing transmission and the number of new cases being reported, p...rotecting the most vulnerable populations, and allowing time for countries to ramp up critical healthcare and diagnostic services. While these quick actions bought time for Member States, the negative socio-economic impacts are being felt widely, and countries are now exploring how best to ease these measures back while still managing the outbreak.