Health Systems in Transition. Vol. 5 No.3 2015
A Handbook for country programmes
Collection of country-level good practices
Equity and Quality in Health: a People's Right
The COTS Cholera Outbreak Training and Shigellosis Program Pocket Card provides essential guidelines for health promotion workers to prevent and manage cholera and shigellosis outbreaks. It emphasizes proper sanitation, hygiene practices, safe water handling, and food safety as the primary methods f...or disease control. Key recommendations include handwashing, disinfecting water with chlorine, using latrines, and ensuring safe food preparation. The document also outlines hospital policies, waste disposal procedures, and safety measures for healthcare workers dealing with diarrheal diseases. Additionally, it provides dehydration assessment guidelines, treatment protocols using Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) and IV fluids, and appropriate antibiotic treatments for both cholera and shigellosis. The goal is to equip healthcare workers with quick-reference tools to effectively contain outbreaks and prevent further transmission.
The results of a WHO survey conducted to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on up to 25 essential health services in countries show disruptions of essential health services in nearly all countries, and more so in lower-income than higher-income countries. The great majority of service disrup...tions were partial, which was defined as a change of 5–50% in service provision or use.
En el presente documento se comunica el progreso logrado en la Región hacia la eliminación de la transmisión maternoinfantil del VIH y la sífilis entre los años 2010 y 2017. Se trata también del primer informe regional sobre la eliminación de la transmisión maternoinfantil y durante la prime...ra infancia de la hepatitis B y la enfermedad de Chagas congénita. Los resultados principales son los siguientes: El acceso de las embarazadas a la atención prenatal y del parto es alto en la Región de las Américas.
Towards ending tuberculosis and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.