Failure to Credibly Investigate and Provide Redress for Unlawful Attacks in Yemen
Accessed Dec.5, 2018.
The latest instalment of our special report from inside Venezuela exposes a healthcare system where drugs and doctors are harder and harder to come by, and shortages of water and electricity help disease and death thrive.
More than 230,000 people displaced by Typhoon Mangkhut in Philippines
Access is still limited due to landslides in mountain areas. Some areas are still flooded, leaving people vulnerable to diseases including leptospirosis, dengue, acute gastroenteritis and AWD
Researchers focused on mental health of conflict-affected children are increasingly interested in the concept of resilience. Knowledge on resilience may assist in developing interventions aimed at improving positive outcomes or reducing negative outcomes, termed promotive or protective interventions....
La escasez de comida y transporte está haciendo más difícil la asistencia al colegio. Algunos niños, niñas y adolescentes se quedan en el camino por falta de “energía“ para subir la cuesta que significa, meriendas, transporte, uniformes y útiles. Otros continúan su formación escolar má...s allá de las fronteras venezolanas. La emergencia humanitaria se matricula en la escuela.