This video "Buruli Ulcer Disease: Intro to the Module" is part of a multimedia-based module by Richard Phillips, Stephen Sarfo, Emmanuel Adu, Veronica Owusu-Afriyie, and Cary Engleberg (University of Michigan). The Buruli ulcer disease is due to infection by Mycobacterium ulcerans. This programme de...scribes the basic pathophysiology of the disease, the typical clinical presentations, and the management of cases with complicated features. The program should be informative for both medical students and practitioners who wish to increase their knowledge about this serious tropical disease.
This video "Buruli Ulcer Disease: Cleaning and Dressing the Ulcer" is part of a multimedia-based module by Richard Phillips, Stephen Sarfo, Emmanuel Adu, Veronica Owusu-Afriyie, and Cary Engleberg (University of Michigan). This video addresses the question: How should Buruli ulcers be cleansed and d...ressed?
This video "Buruli Ulcer Disease: Buruli Odema" is part of a multimedia-based module by Richard Phillips, Stephen Sarfo, Emmanuel Adu, Veronica Owusu-Afriyie, and Cary Engleberg (University of Michigan). This video addresses the question of: What is the usual presentation and course of Buruli ulcer ...disease?
This video "Buruli Ulcer Disease: Buruli Plaque" is part of a multimedia-based module by Richard Phillips, Stephen Sarfo, Emmanuel Adu, Veronica Owusu-Afriyie, and Cary Engleberg (University of Michigan). This video addresses the question of: What is the usual presentation and course of Buruli ulcer... disease?
Das Projekt SprInt Digital bietet Video- und Telebasierte Sprach- und Integrationsmittlung an. In Beratungskernzeiten sind viele Sprachen sofort für einen Einsatz verfügbar. Zusätzlich besteht die Möglichkeit, Video- und Tele-SprInt für bestimmte Zeiten, Sprachen und Situationen als Termin zu b...uchen
This video was shared on Facebook. It discourages listening to myths and rumors such as those that claim that antibiotics or eating garlic can cure coronavirus. It is important not to listen to rumors, but to get correct information from reliable sources
This video explains the ottawa charter and the action areas in detail.
The Author explains the action areas with examples.
This video is a 4-minute summary of the Determinants of Health! Determinants are factors that can influence a person’s health. While the focus of health interventions has typically been, who people are and what they do, the conditions in which they are born, grow, live, work and age are critically... important in determining the health of individuals and communities.
This video explains what antibiotics and the microbiome are, how they work, and side effects that patients may experience. It also provides helpful questions for patients and their families to ask their health care providers when they have been prescribed antibiotics.
This video reviews 5 key signs of severe infection in newborns, and provides 2015 WHO treatment guidelines when referral is possible and when it is not.
This video shows examples of babies with many of the signs of critical illness and includes the first care of the sick baby before referral.
This video shows how to evaluate and treat the baby with fast breathing as the only sign of illness
This video shows how to prepare amoxicillin correctly and some helpful tips for giving it to the young baby
This video is part of the Mount Sinai Hospital-University Health Network Antimicrobial Stewardship Program with support from CAHO
Hier werden durch Videos und Poster das An- und Ablegen von Schutzmasken, Schutzbrillen und Handschuhen erklärt
You can download training videos directly from the website
For special interest would be:
Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Usage
3 of 12 Chemical Level B - Donning and 4 Chemical Level B Doffing
The Incontrol video is a play put together by the ACACIA STUDY GROUP to address several misconceptions that people have about asthma.
You Tube video on Chagas Disease
During this short video, essential workers from around the world from the health, emergency and humanitarian sectors share their personal stories about mental health and work.