An evaluation of the prescribing patterns for under-five patients at a Tertiary Paediatric Hospital in Sierra Leone. J Basic Clin Pharma 2015;6:109-14.
This publication is an updated version of the Management of Tuberculosis and HIV Coinfection clinical protocol released in 2007 by the WHO Regional Office for Europe. It is intended for all health care workers involved in preventing, diagnosing, treating and caring for people living with TB and HIV the specific settings of the WHO European Region.
Document No. : FDA/SMC/CTD/GL-CCT/2013/01
MMWR: Recommendations and Reports / Vol. 62 / No. 9
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
October 25, 2013
Third Edition: Revised October 2012
The WHO guidelines provide recommended steps for safe phlebotomy and reiterate accepted principles for drawing, collecting blood and transporting blood to laboratories/blood banks.
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Clinical Practice Guidelines
January 1010
HIV Treatment
Policy Brief
July 2017
Snakebite is an acute life threatening time limiting medical emergency. It is a preventable public
health hazard often faced by rural population in tropical and subtropical countries with heavy
rainfall and humid climate.
In May the Sixty-sixth World Health Assembly adopted resolution WHA66.12 (1) on 17 neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Among other measures, the resolution urges Member States to:
• ensure country ownership of prevention, control, elimination and eradication programmes;
• expand and implemen...t interventions and advocate for predictable, long-term international financing for activities related to control and capacity strengthening;
• integrate control programmes into primary health-care services and existing programmes;
• ensure optimal programme management and implementation;
• achieve and maintain universal access to interventions and reach the targets of the roadmap.