The State of the World’s Children 2013: Children with Disabilities examines the barriers – from inaccessible buildings to dismissive attitudes, from invisibility in official statistics to vicious discrimination – that deprive children with disabilities of their rights and keep them from partic...ipating fully in society. The report also lays out some of the key elements of inclusive societies that respect and protect the rights of all children, regardless of disability, and progress in helping all children to flourish and make their contribution to the world.
PLOS Medicine |
January 2013 | Volume 10 | Issue 1 | e1001371
DHS Qualitative Research Studies No. 19
DHS Analytical Studies No. 36
DHS Working Papers No. 86
DHS Analytical Studies No. 41
DHS Working Papers No. 89
Further analysis of the Nepal Demographic and Health Surveys, 2001-2011
Further Analysis of the 2000, 2005, and 2011 Demographic and Health Surveys. DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 79
DHS Working Papers No. 83.
Policy Guidelines for Health Facilities
PLoS Med 10(1): e1001366.
Published: January 8, 2013
Scant data exists on the prevalence of violence against children worldwide. However, available information, including the United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children, shows that violence against children is a global problem. This desktop study aims to glean from published... and grey literature the extent of sexual violence and exploitation against children in Lesotho. The goal of this study is to better understand the government of Lesotho's national response efforts to reduce violence against children.
DHS Analytical Studies No. 40