How to prevent the pork tapeworm? A neglected parasitic infection caused by Taenia solium - A neglected parasitic infection caused by Taenia solium. Available in different languages
Este documento está organizado en cuatro grandes momentos: en primer lugar, una breve revisión conceptual para abordar lo discursivo y, a continuación, un recorrido histórico por las principales estrategias adoptadas en la deconstrucción del lenguaje hacia formas más igualitarias. En tercer l...ugar, se presentan sugerencias en relación a la puesta en práctica del lenguaje y la comunicación no sexista e inclusiva en nuestras tareas diarias en el Ministerio de Salud de la Nación y organismos descentralizados, y en último lugar, una selección de materiales producidos desde diversos espacios y con distintas miradas para seguir profundizando en estos debates.
Es una enfermedad muy contagiosa que se transmite a través de las gotitas de saliva que
viajan por el aire cada vez que alguien enfermo tose, estornuda, escupe, habla o canta.
Los microbios hacen agujeros en los pulmones y pueden causar la muerte.
Impacto del coronavirus en las familias paraguayas
Accessed on 17.05.2022
Material de descarga - COVID-19- Chile
Official website Ministero de Salud Chile
Video is a very effective way to communicate complex concepts – like the inter-relational models Side-by-Side rests on – quickly and effectively. Side-by-Side has a small but growing collection of videos. Download and share these videos with caregivers using your social media channels, WhatsApp,... or show them to caregivers on a screen during in-person interactions. These videos should always be shown with sound on.
Seit August 2021 empfiehlt die Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO) allen Kindern und Jugendlichen ab 12 Jahren die Corona-Schutzimpfung mit Comirnaty® von BioNTech/Pfizer. Seit Mitte Dezember können auch Kinder zwischen 5 und 11 Jahren mit dem darauf angepassten Impfstoff von BioNTech/Pfizer geimpft ...werden. Hier finden Sie alles zur Zulassung und der STIKO-Empfehlung sowie kindgerechte Dokumente und Hintergrundinformationen für den Alltag mit Kindern in der Pandemie.
This project aims to get some authentic insights on the current status quo of the situation of media in times of Corona in AREACORE partner countries – through short films and through the collection of reports and literature on the issue for the respective countries and regions to research Media a...nd Information Literacy. Corona Crisis 2020 has certainly immediate and long term effects on our media systems, journalism practices and freedom of expression relevant for our research network.
This is a living document, so we are updating it constantly.
Pais, mães, responsáveis e cuidadores de crianças,
Nesta situação que estamos vivendo durante a pandemia do novo
coronavírus, é importante conversar e explicar às crianças o que está
acontecendo. A curiosidade é normal em qualquer idade e, juntamen-
te com as dúvidas, podem surgir... sentimentos como insegurança, medo
e até raiva. Se é comum nos adultos, imagina nas crianças...
A mudança de rotina causa ansiedade, e os adultos devem mostrar
que é papel de cada um proteger-se e proteger as pessoas mais vul-
neráveis nessa pandemia.
Também é importante brincar, pois é assim que crianças aprendem da
melhor forma. Cantem juntos, dancem, façam atividades e tentem se
distrair em meio à nova rotina e às novas obrigações.
Além de manter as crianças bem entretidas, use a informação como
um instrumento de proteção para sua família.
Webinars in Russian (playlist on YouTube)
The science behind the virus, and at what tricks statistics can play with journalists
What does COVID mean for small media outlets?
COVID coverage 101
Tips & tricks for turning your viewers into loyal users
Working with scientific... information
How news organizations should respond to COVID-19
Im Rahmen des Projektes IQ-COVID der LVG & AFS wurden Kurzvideos in vier Sprachen entwi-ckelt, um die afrikanische Community in Bremen anzusprechen. Es ist auch allgemein verwendbar
Internews in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is producing this weekly bulletin – Iliyo Semeka (“What was said” in Swahili) to respond to rumors and misinformation about COVID-19. The project is implemented in four regions in DRC – all in the provinces.
Internews and Maharat collected and analyzed 433 rumors about COVID-19 circulating on social media
between January 5, 2021and January 31, 2021. This bulletin highlights community perceptions and criticisms about different topics
Internews’ Rooted In Trust (RiT) Project tracks COVID-19-related rumors circulating among social media users and vulnerable communities in Mali, as well as other countries around the globe. The rumors are used to inform risk communication efforts by humanitarians and public health actors, and to s...upport local media in disseminating more accurate and actionable information that responds to community questions and concerns.
The project aims to build trust around COVID-19 vaccines to ensure greater access to and uptake in the vaccines through establishing healthy information ecosystems to address mis- and disinformation and vaccine hesitancy in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The bulletins are in French.
Internews and Maharat collected and analyzed 433 rumors about COVID-19 circulating on social media
between January 5, 2021and January 31, 2021. This bulletin highlights community perceptions and criticisms about different topics
Self-care guide for holidaymakers 2022