Guidelines for Therapy and Management of Urinary Tract Infection
Guidelines and Consensus for the Diagnosis, Management and Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Indonesia
Guidelines for the Diagnose and Management of Community Pneumonia in Indonesia
Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management of Lung Cancer in Indonesia
La prise en chargeintégrée des maladiesde l’enfant
Contact No 175 - October December 2001
Against this background of nearly 20 years of experience of research, development and
improvement in patient safety, the role of incident and adverse event reporting, as well as the
benefits that derive from it, is still a work in progress.This document has two main purposes:
• to provide an up...-to-date perspective on patient safety incident reporting and
learning systems currently in place, including how to fill in existing gaps in these
• to provide practical guidance on the establishment and effective use of patient
safety incident reporting and learning systems.
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ournal of Public Health in Africa 2021; volume 12:2009
Journal of Infection and Public Health 12 (2019) 213–223
This document aims to provide guidance to EU/EEA public health authorities, public health professionals and healthcare practitioners for the management of persons having had contact with cases of Ebola virus disease (EVD) after visiting or working in an area that is affected by EVD; also covered is ...occupational exposure to the disease
Web annex 2: Carbetocin versus placebo or no treatment
Evidence to decision framework