This booklet avises on how to deal with unexpected emotions; changes in family routines and the relationship with the patient; Offers helpful tips on how to advocate for the patient within the health system and the community; Helps caregivers know what to expect when the end of life is near; Gi...ves tips on how to ask others for help; self-care.
Introduces the GATHER approach to counseling, a patient-centered approach that improves patient satisfaction
Has a chapter offering basic biomedical information on cancer, as requested by health workers
Includes information about management of side effects
Encourages health workers to take care o...f themselves and acknowledges the stressful nature of their work.
Okulabilira Abalwadde ba kkookolo. Akatabo K'Abajjanjabi.
Provides similar information to patient booklet, Advises on what to expect and how to cope when a loved one is facing end of life Suggests ways for caregivers to take care for themselves
More information and languages can be found here:
Un kit de communication et sensibilisation
A la demande du gouvernement togolais, nous avons produit un Kit de communication sur les maladies infectieuses et Ebola, appuyé sur les résultats d'une enquête anthropologique qui a identifié les représentations de la population sur la maladie et s...a perception des messages de communication.
Les outils du kit sont présentés et téléchargeables ci-dessous, mais nous vous fournirons sur demande des fichiers haute définition pour impression et pour diffusion des vidéos
Dúvidas para combater a dengue? Nosso agente de saúde ensina como eliminar os focos do mosquito. Proteja-se dessa ameaça.
Please click on the external link to watch the video.
Accessed 3rd of October 2015
Accessed 3rd of October 2015
Accessed 3rd of October 2015