This exploratory study carried out in Coastal Kenya by TUM - funded and supported by CBM – draws attention to monetisable social factors in the measurement of impacts of livelihood promotion. When NGOs in development cooperation try to capture the effects of livelihood promotion programmes for the... target group (e.g. persons with disabilities) and their families, it is not enough to only look at the individual’s income or consider common business economics measurements (like Return on Investment) but to look more widely on the changes in the Quality of Life. This study tried to apply the so called Social Return on Investment (SROI) approach in the field of livelihood promotion. For this goal a general formula was developed and field-tested to account for a broad range of (social) impacts.
A guide for patients and caregivers
Unachohitaji kujua kuhusu saratani kwa matumizi ya wagonjwa na wauguzi.
Unachofaa kujua kuhusu saratani. Mwongozo kwa wagonjwa na wahudumu wa afya.
A job aid for use by health workers when educating clients and their family members about cancer; Each page has a large illustration to share with patients, with talking points on the reverse side; Presents similar content to patient/caregiver booklet; Includes a page on patient rights (e.g., right to confidentiality, right to be treated with dignity and respect).
Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups Planning Framework