10 points basés sur l’expérience de terrain
Cette liste de contrôle devrait aider les pays à évaluer et à tester leur niveau de préparation pour faire face à la propagation de maladie à virus Ebola. Elle doit également servir d'outil pour identifier des actions concrètes à prendre et les moyens pour la communauté internationale de ...les appuyer pour combler les lacunes potentiellement existantes.
Elle recense 10 composantes et tâches essentielles à mettre en oeuvre à la fois par les pays et la communauté internationale dans les 30, 60 et 90 jours respectivement suivant sa date de publication. Les exigences minimales en termes d'équipements et de matériel ainsi que les ressources humaines nécessaires sont définies.
Arabic version of the Landmines, ERW and IED Safety Handbook.
Spanish version of the Landmines, ERW and IED Safety Handbook
The WHO e-Pocketbook provides up-to-date, evidence-based clinical guidelines for children requiring hospital care. It is the electronic version of the widely used Pocket book of Hospital Care for Children (Blue Pocketbook). Designed for doctors, nurses and other health workers responsible for the ca...re of children, these guidelines focus on the management of major causes of childhood mortality in developing countries. Please download your free application for your iPhone. The Android platform will be available soon.
Disaster Recovery Toolkit
The West African Ebola outbreak has been the largest, most severe and most complex in human history. For more than a year, people from all over the world have answered the call to work with WHO to overcome this outbreak. Starting from the initial detection of the outbreak, to the arrival of the firs...t responders, to the overwhelming spread of cases in West Africa, to the moment when cases began to decline, ‘The Ebola Diaries’ is a series of first-person accounts describing what it has been like working on the front lines of a global health crisis of unprecedented proportions.