This six-day training is intended for case managers/community health volunteers/field supervisors who help households affected by HIV in India.
Let’s make Disability visible in the fight against HIV
ARC resource pack - Study material
Review over the work and challenges of the Nigerian National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) in combatting counterfeiting of medicines in Nigeria.
FP Counseling in Practice
Operational Guidelines and Field Manual on Human Rights Protection in Situations of Natural Disaster
Making education more inclusive requires schools and education authorities to remove the barriers to education experienced by the most excluded children - often the poorest, children with disabilities, children without family care, girls, or children from minority groups. Also included in the text examples of children from very remote areas, girls excluded from school, children from ethnic groups, children with language barriers, and children in countries affected by conflict.
Chapter 9: Public health guide for emergencies
Beitrag aus dem Handbuch "Biologische Gefahren II - Entscheidungshilfen zu medizinisch angemessenen Vorgehensweisen in einer B-Gefahrenlage".
Das Kompendium setzt sich mit der medizinischen Versorgung von Personen auseinander, die biowaffenfähigen Erregern vermutlich oder gesichert ausgesetzt war...en. Es richtet sich in erster Linie an Ärzte, sonstiges medizinisches Personal, Hilfsorganisationen und Personen aus öffentlichen Einrichtungen sowie an die Bevölkerung, die aus beruflichen oder privaten Gründen an dem Thema interessiert ist.