These policy guidelines provide a strategic approach and new recommendations for integrated TB and HIV services for patients suffering from substance-abuse addiction. The key recommendations fall under three main categories: joint planning, key interventions, and overcoming barriers.
This publications outlines the specific reproductive health needs of this cadre of adolescents and the programmatic responses that can be used to reach them.
Literature Review on TB Control in Prisons 11/18/2008
Настоящие руководящие принципы предназначены для специалистов, имеющих дело с теми потребителями наркотиков, которые применяют наиболее проблемные модели потре...ления и подвергаются самому высокому риску ВИЧ-инфекции и туберкулеза, особенно это касается лиц, употребляющих инъекционные наркотики.
Primary care - Putting people first: This chapter describes how primary care brings promotion and prevention, cure and care together in a safe, effective and socially productive way at the interface between the population and the health system.
Third Stocktaking Report, 2008
Unite for Children, Unite against AIDS
For each medicine the Formulary provides information on use, dosage, adverse effects, contraindications and warnings, supplemented by guidance on selecting the right medicine for a range of conditions
This study examines the ability of political, legal, health, and communities to respond to gender-based violence in Kigali, Rwanda.