Le syndrome respiratoire aigu provoqué par le coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), initialement décrit en Chine, est responsable
de la pandémie que nous connaissons actuellement sous le nom de coronavirus disease 2019 ou COVID-19. L'épidémie de
coronavirus a été déclarée « urgence de santé publi...que mondiale » par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) le 30 janvier 2020 . L'Afrique a été atteinte plus tard que les autres continents, mais à la date du 3 mai, tous les pays africains
avaient notifié au moins un cas. À la date du 09 juin 2020, l'Afrique comptait près de 200 000 cas confirmés, plus de
5000 décès, avec 25 pays ayant plus de 1000 cas actifs. Les patients atteints par ce virus peuvent développer des symptômes allant jusqu'à l'insuffisance respiratoire aiguë sévère
This resource details the long term neurolgical complication seen in COVID-19 patients.
This is SCCM curated COVID-19 microlearning content.
This document is updated.
Please check the document:Priority medical devices list for the COVID-19 response and associated technical specifications
Данный курс предоставляет информацию о том, что следует предпринять для подготовки к реагированию на случай появления респираторных вирусов, таких как новый коро...авирус, как определить, если произошло заражение, как правильно реализовать меры профилактики и контроля инфекций (ПКИ) для предотвращения дальнейшей передачи инфекции медработникам, другим пациентам или другим лицам в учреждении здравоохранения.
Обучающий курс разработан для медработников и специалистов общественного здравоохранения, так как он ориентирован на вопросы ПКИ.
Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) for COVID-19 Virus
also available in: English - 日本語 - français - Bahasa Indonesia - Español - Português - Italiano - српски језик - 中文 - македонски јазик - Türkçe - język polski - Tiếng Việt - العربية - Nederlands - Tetun - বাংলা -فارسي - Soomaaliga - සිංහල
Mortality statistics are fundamental to public health decision making. Mortality varies by time and location, and its measurement is affected by well known biases that have been exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper aims to estimate excess mortality from ...the COVID-19 pandemic in 191 countries and territories, and 252 subnational units for selected countries, from Jan 1, 2020, to Dec 31, 2021.
The Lancet. 10 March 2022. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02796-3.
Current evidence indicates that the COVID-19 virus is transmitted through respiratory droplets or contact. Contact transmission occurs when contaminated hands touch the mucosa of the mouth, nose, or eyes; the virus can also be transferred from one surface to another by contaminated hands, which fac...ilitates indirect contact transmission. Consequently, hand hygiene is extremely important to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. It also interrupts transmission of other viruses and bacteria causing common colds, flu and pneumonia, thus reducing the general burden of disease.
On this page we provide an overview of excess mortality along with charts to explore the data. You can learn in more depth about different measures of excess mortality, their strengths and limitations, and their comparability across countries
Les vaccins sont conçus pour vous conférer une immunité sans les dangers d’avoir contracté la maladie. Il est courant de ressentir quelques effets indésirables légers à modérés après avoir reçu un vaccin. Ils sont dus au fait que votre système immunitaire demande à votre organisme d'a...ugmenter le flux sanguin afin que davantage de cellules immunitaires puissent circuler, et il élève votre température interne afin de tuer le virus. Les vaccins nous aident à nous protéger contre les maladies, et ressentir des effets indésirables légers ou modérés après avoir reçu un vaccin est un signe que ce vaccin et notre système immunitaire fonctionnent.
LEARNING ELEMENTS of this unit: How has the pandemic affected children? What barriers do children face in accessing education during COVID-19? How considering child rights can better the situation for children? What can be done for keeping children safe?
Jesuit Worldwide Learning invites you to l...earn facts and test your knowledge on the ongoing pandemic caused by Coronavirus (COVID 19) through a fun-interactive crash course! Access is free! You have only to sign up
As vaccines get approved by national authorities, learn about National and WHO approval processes for vaccines and how safety is ensured during emergency approval of vaccines. Dr Mariângela Simão explains in Science in 5.
Also available in a Myanmar language version
Physical distancing measures are important to reduce COVID-19 transmission. However, when stringently applied, they can result in negative health and socio-economic impacts. This report draws on a rapid review of available literature, case studies from across Africa and expert knowledge to make reco...mmendations on adapting classic physical distancing measures to the contextual realities in Africa and on mitigating potential negative impacts.
PERC has developed a dashboard on Tableau to visualize multidisciplinary data and guide decision-makers on their country’s current performance of the COVID-19 response.
as últimas notícias sobre o novo coronavírus COVID-19, bem como os dados mais atualizados na página da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde/Organização Mundial da Saúde (OPAS/OMS): paho.org/bra/covid19.
Acesse a página internacional da OMS em who.int/coronavirus, e das Nações Unidas em... un.org/coronavirus. Acesse os dados mais atualizados
This informational guide presents six strategies for immunization coordinators.
It includes tangible actions to promote confidence, communication, and uptake of COVID-19 vaccine, which can help support confidence among providers and patients.
Plataforma clínica mundial de la COVID-19. Formulario de notificación de casos presuntos de síndrome inflamatorio multisistémico (SIM) en niños y adolescentes que coincide cronológicamente con la COVID-19
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