On this website you can download videos, posters and information on basic protective measures against the new coronavirus COVID-19
The purpose of this document is to provide interim guidance to laboratories and stakeholders involved in laboratory testing for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV).
Members of the FETP Learning Advisory Council (FLAC) have curated a list of reliable sources for learning on COVID-19 and related topics, relevant during an active infectious disease outbreak.
These resources are organized into the following categories, which are then organized by types of resource... (such as online course, recorded webinar, report, article, training material, scientific publication, dashboard, and tracker):
Other knowledge hubs and sharing platforms
Organizational and government responses
Here you can find guidelines, posters, borchures in different local languages published by the Ministry of Health, South Africa
Fact: The new Corona Virus can be transmited in areas with hot and humid climates.
Die folgenden Empfehlungen sind als Unterstützung und Anregung gedacht, die stets individüll angepasst undabgewandelt werden können. Sie basieren auf unserem Wissensstand vom 18.03.2020
Malawi Coronavirus(COVID-19) statistics. Total and daily confirmed cases and deaths.
This interactive dashboard/map provides the latest global numbers and numbers by country of COVID-19 cases on a daily basis.
Brazil Coronavirus(COVID-19) statistics. Total and daily confirmed cases and deaths.
Pais, mães, responsáveis e cuidadores de crianças,
Nesta situação que estamos vivendo durante a pandemia do novo
coronavírus, é importante conversar e explicar às crianças o que está
acontecendo. A curiosidade é normal em qualquer idade e, juntamen-
te com as dúvidas, podem surgir... sentimentos como insegurança, medo
e até raiva. Se é comum nos adultos, imagina nas crianças...
A mudança de rotina causa ansiedade, e os adultos devem mostrar
que é papel de cada um proteger-se e proteger as pessoas mais vul-
neráveis nessa pandemia.
Também é importante brincar, pois é assim que crianças aprendem da
melhor forma. Cantem juntos, dancem, façam atividades e tentem se
distrair em meio à nova rotina e às novas obrigações.
Além de manter as crianças bem entretidas, use a informação como
um instrumento de proteção para sua família.
The Coronavirus is spreading globally. How can individuals, communities and humanitarian actors best respond to the COVID-19 outbreak? How can the Sphere Handbook guide our response?
These guidelines are available in different languages
The Coronavirus is spreading globally. How can individuals, communities and humanitarian actors best respond to the COVID-19 outbreak? How can the Sphere Handbook guide our response?
This document has two sections: A. The first section covers fundamental principles which are crucial to a succe...ssful, holistic intervention. B. The second covers relevant standards and guidance in the handbook’s WASH and Health chapters.
Find out how many vaccine doses have been given in your country using WHO’s COVID-19 dashboard
New Coronavirus - Covid19 Mental Health Recommendations for the General Public (Update 4 May 2021)
(setting approach for Health functionaries working in non-COVID areas)