FAO’s component of the Global COVID-19 Humanitarian Response Plan
Recommended practices booklet (April 2020)
The set includes 10 Counselling Cards and a Recommended Practices Booklet. Infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counselling in the context of COVID-19 remains a critical nutrition intervention for the protection and support of pregnant women, caregivers, ...and their young children. WHO and UNICEF advise caregivers and families with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 to continue the recommended IYCF practices with the necessary hygiene precautions. It is therefore vital to ensure that communities and families around the world adopt these recommendations to help prevent the spread of the virus and care for those who are infected.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to threaten health and food systems around the world, the 2020 Global Nutrition Report calls on governments, businesses and civil society to step up efforts to address malnutrition in all its forms.
This Interim Guidance is intended for field coordinators, site managers and public health personnel, as well as national and local governments and the wider humanitarian community working in humanitarian situations at food distribution sites, who are involved in the decision making and implementatio...n of multi-sectorial COVID-19 outbreak readiness and response activities – the Guidance is therefore relevant for all Humanitarian Clusters and their partners.
Ces orientations provisoires sont destinées aux coordinateurs de terrain, aux responsables de site et au personnel de santé publique, ainsi qu'aux gouvernements nationaux et locaux et à la communauté humanitaire au sens large travaillant dans des situations humanitaires sur des sites de distribu...tion de nourriture, qui sont impliqués dans la prise de décision et la mise en œuvre d'activités multisectorielles de préparation et de réponse aux épidémies COVID-19 - les orientations sont donc pertinentes pour tous les Clusters humanitaires et leurs partenaires.
Estas Orientaciones provisionales están destinadas a los coordinadores sobre el terreno, los administradores de los emplazamientos y el personal de salud pública, así como a los gobiernos nacionales y locales y la comunidad humanitaria en general que trabajan en situaciones humanitarias en los lu...gares de distribución de alimentos, que participan en la adopción de decisiones y la ejecución de actividades multisectoriales de preparación y respuesta ante brotes de COVID-19; por consiguiente, las Orientaciones son pertinentes para todos los grupos temáticos humanitarios y sus asociados.
Countries have shut down the economy to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Supermarket shelves remain stocked for now. But a protracted pandemic crisi s could quickly put a strai n on the f ood supply chains, a complex web of interactions involving farmers, agricultu...ral inputs, processing plants, shipping, retailers and more. The shipping industry is already reporting slowdowns because of port closures, and logistics hurd les could disrupt the supply chains in coming weeks.
La pandémie actuelle de COVID-19 entraîne des difficultés exceptionnelles et sans précédent pour les autorités compétentesa responsables des systèmes nationaux decontrôle de la sécurité sanitaire des alimentsb, qui sont tenues de continuer à assurer des fonct...ions et des activités de routine en se conformant aux règlements nationaux et aux recommandations internationales. Dans de nombreux pays, le personnel employé par les autorités compétentes travaille généralement à domicile car le télétravail est devenu la norme et toutes les réunions en présentiel sont annulées ou sont réorganisées sous forme de téléconférence. Il est difficile de maintenir, sans interruption, les activités de routine telles que l’inspection des entreprises du secteur alimentaire, la certification des exportations, le contrôle des denrées alimentaires importées, le suivi et la surveillance de la sécurité de la chaîne d’approvisionnement alimentaire, l’échantillonnage et l’analyse des aliments, la gestion des incidents alimentaires, les conseils sur la sécurité sanitaire des aliments et la réglementation relative aux denrées alimentaires à l’intention de l’industrie et la communication au grand public sur les questions relatives à la sécurité sanitaire des aliments.
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic presents an exceptional and unprecedented challenge for competent authoritiesa with responsibilities for national food safety control systemsb to continue conducting routine functions and activities in accordance with national regulations... and international recommendations. In many countries, competent authority staff are largely working from home, teleworking being the normal practice, and all face-to-face meetings cancelled or rescheduled as teleconferences. It is challenging to maintain, without interruption, routine activities such as the inspection of food business operations, certifying exports, control of imported foods, monitoring and surveillance of the safety of the food supply chain, sampling and analysis of food, managing food incidents, providing advice on food safety and food regulations for the food industry, and communicating on food safety issues with the public.
Текущая пандемия COVID-19 представляет собой исключительную и беспрецедентную проблему для компетентных органовa, отвечающих за работу национальных систем к...нтроля безопасности пищевых продуктовb, которая препятствует дальнейшему выполнению стандартных функций и мероприятий в соответствии с национальными правилами и международными рекомендациями.
تطرح جائحة ك و ف ی د -19الجاریة ّتحد وغیر مسبوق ً استثنائیاًیاأمام السلطات المختصة أالمسؤولة عن النظم الوطنیة لمراقبة سلامة الأغذیة بیفرض علیھا مواصلة الاضطلاع... بالوظائف والأنشطة الروتینیة التي تقضي بھااللوائح التنظیمیة الوطنیة والتوصیات الدولیة. وفي كثیر من البلدان، تعمل قطاعات واسعة من العاملین بالسلطات المختصة من المنزل، حیث یّعدالعمل عن بعد ھو الممارسة المعتادة، عن إلغاء ًفضلاجمیع الاجتماعات الشخصیةأو تعدیلد عن بعد. وَعقُھا إلى مؤتمرات تمن بین التحدیات القائمة الحفاظ دون انقطاع على استمراریة الأنشطة الروتینیة مثل التفتیش على عملیات قطاعاتالأعمال في مجال الأغذیة، وإصدار تراخیص الد ُّصادرات، ومراقبة الأغذیة المستوردة، ورصد وترصسلامةسلسلة الإمداداتالغذائیة، وأخذ عینات من الأغذیة وتحلیلھا، وإدارة العوارضالغذائیة، وإسداء المشورة بشأن سلامة الأغذیة ولوائح تنظیمالأغ ذ یة لدوائرصناعة الأغذیة، والتواصل بشأن قضایاسلامة الأغذیة مع الجمھور
A atual pandemia de COVID-19 constitui um desafio excepcional e sem precedentes para que as autoridades competentes, com responsabilidades nos sistemas nacionais de controlo da segurança dos alimentosa, possam continuar a desempenhar as suas funções e atividades ...de rotina, de acordo com os regulamentos nacionais e as recomendações internacionais. Em muitos países, os funcionários das autoridades competentes estão, em grande parte, trabalhando a partir de casa, usando o teletrabalho como prática normal, visto que todas as reuniões presenciais foram canceladas ou reagendadas como teleconferências. É um desafio manter, sem interrupção, as atividades normais de rotina, tais como a inspeção das operações do negócio alimentar, a certificação das exportações, o controlo dos alimentos importados, a monitorização e vigilância da segurança da cadeia de abastecimento alimentar, a amostragem e análise dos alimentos, a gestão de incidentes alimentares, o aconselhamento sobre segurança dos alimentose regulamentos para a indústria alimentar, para além da comunicação com o público sobre questões de segurança dos alimentos.
Previous pandemics have demonstrated that more people could die from the indirect consequences of an outbreak than from the disease itself. As the fight against the pandemic is pushing millions into poverty and hunger, COVID-19 will likely be no different.